Orangery redo – Final version


I am pleased to share with you today the pictures of the finishing part of our orangery-redo. The pictures are taken by me with a cybershot Sony camera, so forgive me for my unprofessional photographie.


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Coffee table executed by our company Lefèvre Interiors.


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The existing sofa is slipcovered with the identical linen as the upholstery of the new large sofa opposite.

BeforeBefore2Photo credit : Fotografie Claude Smekens

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The color of the lime paint is much warmer than the flat cool grey painted walls before.

BeforeBefore3 Photo credit : Fotografie Claude Smekens



At the upper part of the chimney mantelpiece we hung a group of antlers.


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To obtain a more straight and clean look, I have chosen for a fixed upholstered large sofa.


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This will be my new reading corner!

BeforeIMG_6738Photo credit : Efi De Grande

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I just love the color of my antique vase I placed on the chimney piece.


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The orangery is much warmer, lighter, much airier and more peaceful than before. Aren’t you agree?

For my readers who have missed the orangery-redo in progress and who are interested in reading about it, click here, here and here.


Custom made furniture;  seating & decoration : Lefèvre Interiors

Linen fabrics : Libeco

Painting : Dankers Decor


I am curious about your thoughts!



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