Blog anniversary & our summer holidays so far

Although I was planning to slow down blogging a little these days, I wanted to announce my 2nd blog anniversary today! I can’t believe I am blogging since 2009, July the 31st !!

And I want to thank all of my readers, followers and blog colleagues, for supporting me to go on with my blog and for all the nice comments on my posts!

Without all of you there would be no BELGIAN PEARLS blog at all !

So thank you so much!!  I hope to bring you more of inspiring blogposts in future!


As you know already we enjoy our summer holidays these days and I promised myself to spend not that much time on my computer because I really need to relax and to have some quality time with my family. We are not traveling, we hope to enjoy spending some time in our garden and inviting friends and family.

But today I wanted to post some pictures of the things that kept us busy during this first week of our holidays.

Jan’s daughter Nele, her husband Tom and the children Alexa and Tristan joined us for a couple of days. We were looking forward to their visit!


Foto 027The family (and the half of their household!) arriving at our home.


2011-07-31_152849 A drink on our time together.


Foto 011 Alexa was proud to offer Jan the drawing she had made for pappie and mammie (= Jan & me).


Foto 018 Alexa & me.


Foto 022 Preparing the meal.


The weather wasn’t that nice the passed days, but fortunately it wasn’t raining so Tristan and Alexa were able to cycle !




In the afternoon we went to my mum’s house, where there is a swing in the garden.

Foto 032 Jan and Anthony installing the swing for the children.


Foto 036 So Jan had to push his grandchild of course.


Foto 044 Anthony tried to teach his godchild Alexa how to use the scooter.


Foto 030 Aren't they just cute ?!


The other day we went for a walk in our neighbourhood and had lunch in an idyllic situated restaurant 'De Zwalmmolen’.





In the afternoon we all went to the manege ‘De Paardebloem’ where Nele and me wanted to practice horse riding.

Foto 053Tom and Tristan walking along the horse stables.


Foto 054 This is me on the back of Mango.


Foto 075 Alexa is watching her mum.


Foto 095 Nele and Mango.


Foto 082Jan is encouraging his daughter.



Foto 100 A future horse rider?


Foto 081 Alexa and me, Ralph and a friend !


Summer 2011

I hope you enjoyed this holiday post.


Talk to you soon!



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