My new love

I might think that some of you do know that I started learning horse back riding a year ago.

As a child I dreamed about learning horseback riding and having a horse of my own. But my parents were very anxious about it and that is why I had not  the opportunity to start taking riding lessons in my childhood.

Since we moved to the countryside about 5 years ago, I noticed horses and horseriders all around because there are a lot of equestrian schools and horse breeding farms in our neighbourhood.

I told Jan that I was so sorry to not have had the opportunity to learn horseriding as a child and that I felt too ‘old’ to start now.

But Jan encouraged me and said that if I really wanted to start learning it, I had to take my chance, even at my age!

And so I did!!!

A year ago I pulled my boots on and took my chance! I took lessons dressage at a local manège and believe it or not, after a few falls and ups (literally!!!),

and many lessons later, I felt ready for my own horse!!! Can you believe it!


And here she is! My new love, Mango.


Mango is a 17 year old mare and is of German origine. Her mother is a Hanoverian and her father is an Oldenburg horse, both known for their gentle character.


I ride Mango since the month of May and she is so sweet, so adorable and understanding!! It is so important that as a beginner equestrian, you choose ‘a horse that is able to write and to read’ (a saying we often use here)! So Mango is a 17 years old mare and she is used to have beginners horse riding on her back.

In fact she learned me a lot these past months and she even loves to jump!! She won several jumping competitions.

I am definitely not aiming to start jumping!! Oh no! I will be very satisfied If I could make some progress in dressage in the near future. I will never become a professional equestrian but I don’t care!

My real aim is to enjoy being with her, to ride on her back a few times a week, to take care of her and to give her the opportunity to have a pleasant retirement. She deserves this!


5Jan and me and our new family-member.

Sorry for the blurry photos, all taken with my cell phone!



Me, very concentrated of course!




With this post I want to thank my husband Jan for encouraging and supporting me to make my child’s dream come true!!

Thank you dear!




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