My dearest readers, in my blogpost of last weekend I told you that I was preparing a photoshoot for an interior design magazine.
The photoshoot for the prestigious Spanish magazine HABITANIA took place this week!
Cover of one of the previous issues of Habitania
A few months ago I was contacted by Gaby Conde, stylist and contributor to the magazine Habitania.
I was thrilled to hear that she would love to do a photoshoot of my home!
As they had to come to Belgium, she even asked me if maybe there was another home, that I would love to see in the magazine!
As I am almost finished with the interior decoration of my sister’s home, I called my sister to ask her permission to take pictures of her home. And she agreed!!
On Tuesday Gaby and her team of photographers Montse Garriga and Eric Pamies arrived at our home to take pictures and the day after we all headed to Bruges for the photoshoot of my sister’s home.
A couple of busy days as you might imagine!!!
The stylist Gaby Condé at work at our home.
The talented and sweet Montse preparing her camera !!! She really is a very talented photographer and has done a lot of photoshoots all over the world for renowned interior design magazines.
I thought to share with you today a sneek peek of these photoshoot days and took a few pictures myself. The pictures are of course not of equal quality as those taken by the photographers for the magazine Habitania.
I am so looking forward to the upcoming article that probably will be published within a couple of months. I will let you know!
Photoshoot at our home
Photoshoot at my sister’s home
The day after. The Habitania team at work at my sister’s home.
Stylist Gaby Conde, photographers Montse Garriga and Eric Pamies.
My sister Inge and husband Dominique are both excellent cooks! At noon they prepared us a delicious dinner!
The Habitania team having dinner at the kitchen isle.
And here are some pictures I took that day.
Entry hall
Powder room
Family room
Living room
Breakfast room
Eric was so kind to take that picture of my sister and me.
I would love to thank the Habitania team for these wonderful days! It was such a pleasure to work with these lovely people!
And of course a huge thank you to my sister for allowing us to do the photoshoot.
A wonderful weekend to you all!
I will try to relax this weekend and to go riding Mango, because I so missed her this week!