Horse crazy



Horses 1

Horses do my heart beat faster. I can’t help! I am crazy about them.


What is cuter than a horsy nose?

Horses 5source unknown

Or more expressive than a horse’s eye?

Horses 4source unknown

And what is more adorable than a mare with her foal?

Horses 6source unknown

I am crazy about my sweet mare Mango!


We both know each other already very well since I obtained Mango last year.

Mango 2

I love watching her galloping in the grassland.


This picture was taken a few weeks ago, one of the first days of spring. She really felt spring tickles!


And yes I try to ride Mango as much as possible. It is not only the most wonderful way to relax, riding Mango and taking care of her, gives me tons of energy!


The passed days I tried to take some good pictures of Mango to send to my friend Céline, the author of the blog Céline Chollet Aquarelles. Céline is a very talented aquarellist. She posted earlier on her blog about the aquarelle she made of my home (here). So now I would love to ask Céline to make an aquarelle of Mango!


Here are some of Céline’s aquarelles of horses.

12Aquarelle by Céline Chollet   source Céline Chollet Aquarelles


13Aquarelle by Céline Chollet   source Céline Chollet Aquarelles

Aren’t they beautiful?

If you don’t know Céline’s blog yet, you really should visit Céline at Céline Chollet Aquarelles.


Preparing this post, I filed lots of images. I really could go on posting wonderful images of horses or images of all things equestrian. I had to make a choice between the filed ones.

Horses 3source Pinterest

There is so much to tell about horses as all horse lovers will know. And if you love horses you definitely will surround you by all things equestrian.


I can’t wait to receive these saddle napkin rings I ordered at my friend Tina of the blog The Enchanted Home. Tina opened an online store where you can find the most gorgeous accessories for the home : The Enchanted Home Shop.

6Saddle napkin ring. Source The Enchanted Home Shop


23Love that door handle and…        source unknown


11this doorstop !                    source unknown


10And that coat rack!                    source unknown


And to think about all the horse’s and rider’s equipment!!!

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Horses 8Ralph Lauren


Horses 9Gucci




I wished I had a saddle room as these here!

560319_265893936839798_100002575810841_515659_759558682_nsource Pinterest


Sfeer interieur 403 (Beatrix Kleuver)Interior designer Beatrix Kleuver   source Beatrix Kleuver


The interior designer Mira of the Belgian company Country House had a brilliant idea!

For her clients who are big horse lovers, she turned on an old barn into a livable space, abling man and horse to enjoy each others company in a cosy setting!

Click HERE to read and see the full story! Amazing!

3Barn transormed into a cozy setting by Country House    source Country House Photo credit Fotografie Claude Smekens


2012-05-24_224444For ages, we have seen hanging paintings of horses in the home.    source Pinterest


And why not having a party at the stables?

1source unknown


‘Chosen by a Horse’ is the title of the book that I am reading these days. Although I haven’t finished it yet, I can tell you so far that it is a wonderful book and a heartbreaking story!

Richards_7.inddCover ‘Chosen by a Horse’ by Susan Richards Soho Press, Inc.

The horse Susan Richards chose for rescue wouldn’t be corralled into her waiting trailer. Instead Lay Me Down, a former racehorse with a foal close on her heels, walked right up that ramp and into Susan’s life. This gentle creature—malnourished, plagued by pneumonia and an eye infection—had endured a rough road, but somehow her heart was still open and generous. It seemed fated that she would come into Susan’s paddock and teach her how to embrace the joys of life despite the dangers of living.’

An elegant and often heartbreaking tale filled with animal characters as complicated and lively as their human counterparts, this is an inspiring story of courage and hope and the ways in which all love—even an animal’s—has the power to heal.



And finally, I love to share with you a beautiful horse poem.

My Silent Teacher
(Submitted by: Chris Riley)

Lowers his head when I put on the bridle
He is always going the extra mile

Telling me what to do without speaking a word
We unite like part of the herd
My guardian angel never lets me get hurt
Finding a soft spot for me to land in the dirt
No matter what my instructor thinks of my ride
He always is holding his head up high filled with pride
Grooming his coat until it glistens and it shines
Taking care of him as if he were mine
He never gets mad at me no matter the error
Never over reacting to my fears and my terror
Guiding me over jump courses
Soaring with wings
My silent teacher shows me marvelous things
Giving me gifts only magic could bring
My little warrior never taking a break
Teaching me to ride as long as it takes

(The Horse Lover’s Corral)





Mango and me wish you all a sunny and wonderful weekend!




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