I am pretty sure that I don’t need to introduce you anymore to our famous Belgian company of linen weavers, LIBECO-LAGAE .
But did you know that this company has started her own blog since a few months?
I am so pleased to announce that Belgian Pearls is mentioned as one of the blogs the Libeco team is following!
LIBECO blogTo read the article on the Libeco blog, click HERE.
Libeco.Lagae is one of the largest linen weavers in Europe. They produce decorative fabrics, apparel linen, technical canvas, embroidery linen and are manufacturers of finished products.
In their finished products collection you find bed linen, table linen, lounge and night wear, kitchen linen, bath linen and linen accessories.
Read more HERE.
Image www.libeco.com
Image www.libeco.com
Image www.libeco.com
Image www.libeco.com
Image www.libeco.com
Image www.libeco.com
Image www.libeco.com
Maybe you will remember my last year’s blogposts about the redo of our orangery (here), where I told you about the Libeco linen we chose for the sofa upholstery and for the window treatment.
Picture of our orangery with upholstered sofas in Libeco linen and Libeco linen used for the window treatment. Photo credit Montse Garriga
Our orangery. (Pictures by me)
Libeco linen color range matching the lime paint of the orangery walls. (Pictures by me)
Along with lime paint and white oak, is the use of pure linen one of the most essential characteristics for our Belgian interior design style, as you can see on the following images.
Image Axel Vervoordt
Image Historical Ecological Materials via FB
Image Historical Ecological Materials via FB
There are a thousand retail stores worldwide to purchase the Libeco Home Products.
If you do not find a retailer near your place, please visit the Libeco Home Stores website to purchase online.
Thank you so much dear Libeco team for following Belgian Pearls !