Italian beauties


One of my preferred pieces of furniture is an Italian cassapanca.

I love the decorative painted ones!

Most of the benches are large sized and the seat is used as a chest, a storage seat.

They are highly decorated and were generally placed by pair in a hall.

2Lars Bolander source


3Garnier Antiques source  Photo credit Fotografie Claude Smekens 


Even if the cassapanca is not painted, it remains a beauty.2012-10-29_161633David Michael Miller Associates source  Photo credit Bill Timmerman


Late 19th century 1 of 2 Italian baroque style polychrome decorated high back hall benches of large size.7Très Belles Antiques source


Cassapanca 17th century Italian style, painted by the Italian artist Alison Woolley.1                                      Alison Woolley source                                  


Hand painted large Italian cassapanca.8source


This beautiful hand-carved and painted cassapanca is made by a 5th generation family-owned workshop in Florence, Italy!6source



Hand painted gothic style Italian cassapanca.5


Does anyone of you own an Italian cassapanca? I hope to ever find an affordable one!



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