Mango & Lea


Dear friends, so many of you asked me about Mango recently. Thank you so much for the interest in the well-doing of my precious one! So sweet of you all! Therefore, today I would like to brief you about her. A year ago Mango became a member of our family (see my post here)!

Mango is doing fine! Even though she is already 18 years old, she is still in an excellent condition. She is very well cared for at the manège and she seems to be very happy!

I try to ride her as much as possible. Sunday afternoon is our fixed appointment and depending on my job schedule, I try to be with her two or three times a week, to not only ride her but of course to pamper and comfort her!!


My son Anthony took these pictures of me riding Mango yesterday.



This summer Mango spent many days on the grass-land with her friend Rioja. The 2 mares became inseparable friends and they even have their boxes next to each other.

2012-10-18_213746Mango (left) and her friend Rioja.


Next to Rioja’s friendship, Mango is taking advantage of yet another remarkable friendship!!

Naast de vriendshap van Rioja, profiteert Mango nog van een andere bijzondere vriendschap!!

‘The Friendship of Lea’

‘De Vriendschap van Lea’

And this part of this post I will write even in Dutch abling Lea to follow this post.

Yes, today I love to introduce you to Lea.

Ja, vandaag wil ik u voorstellen aan Lea.

Lea is a very sweet and smart 12 year-old-girl and an excellent horse rider. And she really loves horses!!

Lea is een heel lief en pienter meisje van 12 jaar en een uitstekende amazone. En ze houdt heel veel van paarden!!

I often noticed that there was a mutual understanding between Lea and Mango. That is why I asked Lea if she agreed to ride Mango in her free moments, on the days that I am not able to ride Mango.

Ik had reeds dikwijls opgemerkt dat er een klik was tussen Lea en Mango. Daarom heb ik haar gevraagd of ze met Mango wou rijden tijdens haar vrije momenten, op de dagen dat ik het te druk heb.

And yes, she agreed! Lea not only rides Mango, she also helps me to take care of Mango!  Isn’t that wonderful?!

En ja, ze was akkoord! Lea berijdt niet alleen Mango, ze helpt mij ook om voor Mango te zorgen! Is dat niet fijn?!

Lea and Mango2012-10-17_190126

Lea as a groom!



2012-10-18_215832Lea and me saddling up Mango.


These 2 pictures of Lea and her own horse Speedy, I took this summer when Lea was attending her first jumping competition.

Deze 2 foto’s van Lea met haar eigen paard Speedy, nam ik deze zomer toen Lea deelnam aan haar eerste jumping competitie.

2012-10-18_214012Lea with her own horse Speedy.



Lea, Mango & me

Thank you so much sweet Lea for all your help, your love and devotion to Mango!

Dank u wel lieve Lea voor al uw hulp, uw liefde voor en toewijding aan Mango!





Thank you again my friends, for the interest in Mango! I so appreciate it !

Happy weekend to each and everyone of you!



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