The most beautiful horse in the world


Hello my dear readers, I have to admit that I am not that often behind my computer these days, I try to slow down a bit and to enjoy these holidays with my family. But I really had to share this news with you!

This month the most beautiful horse in the world is been chosen in Paris at The World Championship for Arabian Horses. The winner is the Belgian stallion QR Marc, which is owned by the Belgian Paul Gheysens, of the stud Knocke Arabians.

An exceptional performance, because such beauty contests are usually dominated by horses from the Gulf region.

QR Marc has won international prizes before: last year he won an international beauty contest in Dubai. The horse now has about 700 descendants, including many who also won prizes.


2012-12-28_135240QR MARC source


2012-12-28_135802QR MARC source


Video of QR Marc at the World Championship for Arabian Horses-Paris 2012 Source Youtube


Click on this picture to see more of QR MARC.2012-12-28_140111Video of QR Marc and owner Paul Gheysens of Knocke Arabians. Source


Click on the picture to watch this video of QR Marc2012-12-28_145312Source Vimeo


If you are interested to see more pictures of QR Marc and Arabian horses, please visit the Knocke Arabians website HERE.

Being a Belgian and a true horse lover I was very proud to hear that a Belgian horse is chosen as the most beautiful horse in the world !

Congratulations to QR Marc and Mr Paul Gheysens of Knocke Arabians!


I do hope you all enjoy these last days of the year!



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